Gas prices in the EU rise before the end of the transit agreement with Ukraine.

Gas prices in the EU are rising
Gas prices in the EU are rising

Natural gas prices are rising due to the approaching end of the transit agreement

Natural gas prices in Europe continue to rise due to the approaching end of the transit agreement between Russia and Ukraine. On Monday, prices rose by 1.6%, while last week they increased by 7%.

According to a Bloomberg report, the reason for this increase is Ukraine's tough stance on the transit of Russian gas after December 31.

During a visit to Moscow, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico discussed this issue with Vladimir Putin. According to him, the Russian president confirmed the willingness to continue gas supplies through Ukraine, but called it 'practically impossible' after January 1 due to Kyiv's position.

Despite this, gas from Russia remains the most accessible option for Central European countries. However, the level of gas storage in European facilities is now lower than last year, which may complicate replenishment next summer.

President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that Ukraine does not agree to the transit of gas without guarantees that Russia will not receive financial benefits during the military conflict.

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