Shostal Oleksandr

Shostal Alexander

Chief Editor: Shostal Alexander

Email: [email protected]

Chief Editor of the portal.

Education: Lviv Polytechnic National University (2011-2015).

Education stages:

  • Department of Journalism and Mass Communication - 4 years (link).

Head of the department: Ph.D. in Social Communications, Associate Professor Zoryana Galadzhun

Work experience: I have been working as a leading journalist on the website for the past 10 years, Kyiv, Pochaina Street, 2G. From 2019 to 2022, I underwent an internship at the international company

Favorite topics: current events in the world, finance, tourism.

Main skills:

  • Interviewing: ability to ask effective questions, listen to answers, and highlight key information.
  • Information research: ability to quickly find reliable and up-to-date sources for writing materials.
  • Writing: high level of language and stylistic proficiency to create clear and engaging texts.
  • Working under stress: ability to work quickly and efficiently in situations that require immediate response.
  • Editing and proofreading: ability to edit own materials and other texts to ensure their accuracy and literary quality.
  • Ethics: understanding and adherence to ethical standards of journalism, including objectivity and truthfulness.
  • Multimedia skills: ability to work with various platforms and tools, such as social networks, websites, and other online resources.
  • Analytical thinking: ability to understand, analyze, and contextualize events to create a comprehensive picture.