February 19 - March 20

Pisces – forecast for today

29 March

It may seem like the world around you is closing like a book, but if you focus on your inner experiences, you'll find inspiration for new beginnings. Pisces, remember to trust your intuition — it will not let you down.


Romantic surprises await you. Listen to your heart and you won't regret it. Pisces may be surprised by how their partner reveals a new side of themselves. Pay attention to the details, and it will lead to deep understanding.


A challenge that recently seemed confusing will start to become clearer. It is important for Pisces to seize the opportunity to learn something new from colleagues and be open to change. Courage and patience will lead to new professional heights.


Pisces, your intuitive understanding of your body might surprise even you today. Consider incorporating something new into your health routine, like morning meditation or a walk in the fresh air. This will not only benefit your body but also energize your mind.
