What military personnel complain about: the president's representative named the main problems.

Military discuss their problems
Military discuss their problems

According to Olha Reshetylova, the representative of the President of Ukraine for the protection of the rights of servicemen, military personnel most often complain about refusals to transfer between units and not being sent to military medical commissions. According to her, this concerns the majority of the five thousand complaints that have been received.

Earlier, President Zelensky signed a law that extends the term for passing the military medical commission for those with limited fitness until June 5, 2025. However, as of January 24, over 1 million such individuals have not yet undergone a repeated medical examination, and by February 4, it was practically impossible to do so due to large queues at the TSK.

As a result of a meeting held at the Office of the President, it was decided that the TSK would not impose penalties on those who cannot manage to undergo the military medical commission by February 5.

Let us remind you that men aged 18 to 60 who have the status of 'limited fit', according to the Ministry of Defense order No. 402, must undergo a repeated military medical commission. This became mandatory from the moment the law 'On amendments to some laws of Ukraine regarding the provision of rights of servicemen and police officers to social protection' came into force.

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