Georgiy Deliev

Georgiy Deliev

Birthdate: 01.01.1960

Georgiy Viktorovich Deliev - Actor, Director, Artist, Musician, Artistic Director of the 'Masken-Show' Theater. Honored Artist of Ukraine (2002), People's Artist of Ukraine (2009).

Place of Birth. Education. He was born in Kherson in a family of teachers. From 1977 to 1982 he studied at the Odessa Engineering and Construction University at the Faculty of Architecture. During his studies, he actively engaged in pantomime and clowning. From 1986 to 1989 he studied at the State Theatre Arts School in the field of directing for show business.

Creativity. From 1982 to 1984 he worked as an architect in Pyatigorsk, then in Chișinău, where he simultaneously opened mime studies.

In 1984 he worked in the Leningrad Theatre under the direction of Vyacheslav Polunin 'Liczeje'. In the same year, he became a member of the mime and clowning ensemble 'Masken' at the Odessa Philharmonic. In the post-Soviet era, the comedy troupe 'Masken' became an independent company. There, Deliev worked as artistic director, director, actor, and author.

From 1992 he shot about 80 lavish TV films of the comedy series 'Masken-Show' (as director, screenwriter, and lead actor).

In 1990, Georgiy Deliev shot a feature film, 'Seven Days with a Russian Beauty'. He acted in Kira Muratova's films 'Supporting Characters', 'Chekhov Motifs', 'The Voice Adjuster' (played the lead role) and many others. He also played the role of Ostap Bender in the feature film 'Twelve Chairs', directed by German director Ulrike Ottinger.

Additionally, Georgiy Deliev produced two albums. In 2005, he released the album 'Hooligan with a Capital Letter', in 2007 he released 'Dubda'.

In May 2006, the album of the singer Alena Vinnickaya 'Dolls' was released. It also contains the title 'Tumba-Boogie', which was sung as a duet with Georgiy Deliev.

In May 2008, it was announced that Deliev was working on his third album 'Heavenly Train'. It contains nine songs, including duo songs: 'Kartoplia' with the Russian band 'Forbidden Drummers' and 'Dialog' with the vocalist of the band 'Kolibri', Natalya Pivovarova.

In 2017, he became a member of the jury of the 'League of Laughter'.

Artist. The works of Georgiy Deliev are made in an experimental manner with various techniques (oil, acrylic, watercolor, ink, pastel).

Awards. Winner of the All-Union competition for entertainers, winner and diploma holder of many international competitions for theatre, circus art, television festivals, and contests. Honored Artist of Ukraine (2002). People's Artist of Ukraine (2009).

Winner of the 'Stozhary-2005' film festival for Best Male Role in the film 'The Voice Adjuster'.

In August 2005, he was awarded the title of Academician of the International Trick Academy 'for services to the dissemination of glorious cultural and artistic traditions, outstanding contributions to the development of cinema and the popularization of trick art and cinema.'

Member of the association of theatre people, member of the association of cinematographers of Ukraine.

Social Activities. Was a member of the Odessa city council, member of the commission for culture and education, youth and sports issues. Member of the association of theatre people, member of the association of cinematographers of Ukraine.

Family. Wife since 1979, Larisa Delieva (née Pudovskaja) (1961-2012) worked as an artist. Daughter Jana, who played the mischievous girl in many episodes of the 'Masken-Show' project. She is now a trained psychologist. She dances Stepping with the group 'Talented Legs', teaches Tap Dance and dances Flamenco, clowning in the theater 'Cabaret Buffon'. Granddaughter Alisa Klimova (born December 8, 2014).

Second wife Ekaterina Delieva. The couple has two sons.
