Sergei Demchenko

Date of Birth: 21.02.1943
Place of Birth. Education. Born on February 21, 1943, in the village Donzkowka in the Luhansk region. From 1962 to 1965, he served in the Soviet Army.
He received his higher education at the Law Faculty of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (1973), even before he went to the military.
Career. After graduating from the university, he began his professional career.
1973-1977 - Consultant, Chief Auditor of the State Arbitration Court under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
1977-1988 - State Arbitrator.
1988-1990 - Head of the Department for Preventing Legal Violations in the Economic Activities of the State Arbitration Court of the USSR.
From June 1991 - Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the USSR, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine - Chairman of the Legal Chamber for Dispute Resolution, Chairman of the Chamber for Dispute Resolution between Economic Entities of the Supreme Economic Court.
In January 2006, he was appointed as the First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine by order of the Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko.
From December 2006 until - Chairman of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine.
On July 8, 2010, he was dismissed by the Supreme Council with the wording 'in connection with reaching retirement age.' Since summer 2009, the parliament made several attempts to dismiss the judge (the BJuT faction insisted on his dismissal), but votes were lacking each time.
Social Activities. In 2008, Sergei Demchenko was elected President of the Judo Federation of Kyiv, where he served until January 2016, when he was elected Honorary President of the Federation. Additionally, Sergei Demchenko was a member of the Executive Committee of the Judo Federation of Ukraine until 2017.
He was a member of the Constitutional Assembly of President Viktor Yanukovych and the Constitutional Commission of President Petro Poroshenko.
Awards. Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, awarded the Order of 'For Merit' of the III degree.