Fridman Michaił

Fridman Michaił

Date of Birth: 21.04.1964

Michaił Maratowicz Fridman is a Russian oligarch, businessman of Jewish descent, citizen of Russia and Israel. Co-owner and chairman of the supervisory board of the consortium 'Alfa-Group' (member of the supervisory board of several affiliated companies, including 'Alfa-Bank/Sense Bank' (until December 2022 'Alfa-Bank Ukraine'), Veon/Beeline/Kyivstar, X5 Retail Group and IDS Borjomi International/Morshyn/Myrgorod), co-owner and chairman of the supervisory board of the oil company TNK-VR (operated from 2003 to 2013), member of the bureau and board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, member of the Russian National Corporate Governance Association and vice president of the Russian Jewish Congress.

Place of Birth. Education. He was born in Lviv. In 1986, he graduated with honors from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys with a degree in colored metals.

Career. 1986-1988 - design engineer at the 'Elektrostal' plant in the city of Elektrostal in the Moscow region.

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He demonstrated the abilities of a future businessman in the late 1980s when he organized a 'Kurier' cooperative for window washing.

In 1989, the 'Alfa-Photo' cooperative was established (selling computers, copying devices), which later became one of the founders of SP 'Alfa-Eko', which dealt with the export of oil and metal production, based on which the Alfa-Group was later created.

In 1991, he chaired the supervisory board of Alfa-Bank. Part of his capital was invested in Belarusian projects - Alfa-Bank, the operator Life, retail Belmarket and BelEuronet.

After creating the 'Alfa-Eko' company, Michaił Fridman played a pivotal role in transforming it into one of the most powerful and authoritative financial-industrial structures in Russia - the 'Alfa-Group' consortium - and became one of the most influential businessmen in Russia.

Chairman of the supervisory board of the 'Alfa-Group' consortium, chairman of the supervisory board of JSC 'Alfa-Bank', member of the supervisory board of the oil company TNK-VR.

He later served on the supervisory board of the 'Syanco Oil Company' and the Trading House 'Praker'.

A laureate of several prestigious awards in business and entrepreneurship, he has repeatedly ranked among the top places in Russian and international rankings of the most effective managers.

In May 2016, he announced his intention to dedicate virtually all his wealth to charitable purposes. He does not plan to involve his children in the management of Alfa-Group, hoping for their own professional success.

Public Activity. In January 1996, he started as one of the founders of the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC), becoming vice president and chairman of the cultural committee.

From 1995 to 1998, he was a member of the supervisory board of the 'Russian Public Television' (LLC 'RPT').

Fridman is a member of the bureau and the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), dealing with judicial reform issues. He is a member of the National Council for Corporate Governance (a founding body connecting heads of the largest Russian companies and federal authorities), a member of the International Advisory Council for Foreign Relations (USA), and a member of the Banking Activities Council under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Since 2011, Michaił Fridman has been organizing the annualLeopolis Jazz Fest. in Lviv.

Wealth. In 2007, his assets were estimated at $13.5 billion (sixth place in terms of wealth among Russian entrepreneurs at the beginning of 2007).

In 2012, he ranked 57th on the world billionaire list, with a net worth of $13.4 billion.

The American version of Forbes magazine in 2015 estimated Fridman's wealth at $14.6 billion (68th place in the world). In the same year, he ranked second on the list of the 200 richest entrepreneurs in Russia compiled by the Russian version of Forbes.

In 2016, according to Forbes magazine's ranking of the richest Russian entrepreneurs, he came in second place.

According to 2018 data, Forbes estimated Fridman's fortune at $15 billion. On the list of the richest entrepreneurs in Russia, he ranked 7th. In 2018, his capital decreased by $100 million.

In 2019, The Times newspaper ranked him tenth on the list of the wealthiest residents of the UK, with assets of £10.9 billion, and Forbes named him the richest resident of London.

In 2021, Forbes placed Michaił Fridman in 11th place on the list of the richest...