Oleg Humenyuk

Date of Birth: 27.09.1970
Oleg Ivanovich Humenyuk - former Member of Parliament of Ukraine.
Place of Birth. Education. Born in Khmelnitsky. Graduated from Khmelnytsky Technological Institute in 1992 (Industrial Engineer). In 1994, he obtained his doctorate at the same university.
Career. 1994-2002 - General Director, Chairman of LLC 'Zagrava-Expo'.
2002-2006 - Member of Parliament of Ukraine of the IV Congress from electoral district No. 165 (Ternopil Region). Member of the faction of Viktor Yushchenko's block Our Ukraine. Member of the Parliamentary Committee for Economic Policy, Economic Management, Property, and Investments.
2006-2007 - Member of Parliament of Ukraine of the V Congress of Our Ukraine (No. 67 on the electoral list). Member of the Parliamentary Committee for Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship. At the time of the elections, he was a member of the Our Ukraine party.
2007-2012 - Member of Parliament of Ukraine of the VI Congress of Our Ukraine - National Self-Defense (No. 34 on the list). Member of the Parliamentary Committee for Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Regulatory Policy.
Member of the Political Council of the party Za Ukrainu! (Chairman - Vyacheslav Kirilenko).
Family. Married. Son Pavlo, born 1994.