Oleg Medvedev

Oleg Medvedev

Date of Birth: 03.09.1969

Place of Birth. Education. Born in Lytuhyne, Luhansk region. In 1994, he graduated from the Faculty of International Relations (Oriental Department) of Moscow State University.

Career. 1990-1992 - Correspondent of the news agency Postfactum.

1991-1994 - Correspondent, parliamentary observer for the newspaper Kommersant.

1994-2001 - own correspondent in Moscow, director of the Moscow office, editor-in-chief of the newspaper Kyiv News, observer, editor of the economic and political department, editor-in-chief of the magazine Businessmen.

2001-2003 - PR Director of the party of Mikhail Brodsky, Yabloko.

2003-2005 - PR consultant, advisor to the leader of the Our Ukraine block Viktor Yushchenko.

2005-2006 - Head of PR technology department in the election headquarters of the Yulia Tymoshenko bloc.

From February 2005 to September 2007 - editor-in-chief of the internet project Observator.

In 2005 and since the end of 2007 - advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Yulia Tymoshenko.

From 2008 to 2011 he was a member of the Kyiv City Council for the BYUT block.

During the presidential elections in 2014, however, Medvedev worked in the headquarters of Petro Poroshenko.

On July 25, 2014, he was appointed by decree of President Poroshenko No. 618/2014 as an extraordinary advisor to the President of Ukraine.

In the presidential elections 2019, he was the spokesperson in the election headquarters of Petro Poroshenko.

On May 17, 2019, President Petro Poroshenko relieved Oleg Medvedev of the duties of his extraordinary advisor.

In the snap parliamentary elections 2019 he was responsible together with Viktoriya Syumar for the campaign strategy of the party European Solidarity.

Medvedev - Tymoshenko. Oleg Medvedev was considered one of the key PR agents of BYUT and personally of Yulia Tymoshenko.

In 2006 and 2007 he was one of the ideologues and leaders of the Lady Yu block's election campaign in the elections to the Verkhovna Rada. In 2008, he led the PR campaign of BYUT in the early elections to the Kyiv City Council and for the mayor of the capital.

In an interview with Ukraine, the young Oleg Medvedev said about his patron that it is wrong to assume that it is most comfortable and beneficial for Tymoshenko to be in the opposition. 'For her, the greatest comfort is when she can show her hard work the most and is fully committed to the implementation of tasks. The best environment for her is work. I have never seen a bigger workaholic than Yulia Vladimirovna in my life,' said the political strategist. He added that for Tymoshenko 'every situation is profitable.'

Social Engagement. Vice President of the Ukrainian Public Relations League (since 2004).

Hobbies. History, Political Science, Cycling, Swimming.
