Igor Petrashko

Igor Petrashko

Date of Birth: 06.10.1975

Igor Rostislavovich Petrashko - former Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine. Former CEO of the agricultural company Ukrlandfarming.

Place of Birth. Education. Born on October 6, 1975, in Stryi, Lviv Oblast. Graduate of the Lviv Polytechnic National University with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration.

Studied under an exchange program in the UK, completed an internship at Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic). In 2001, he obtained an MBA from the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University in the USA.

All relevant materials

  • Parliament appointed Yulia Sviridenko as Minister of Economic Development. Finance
  • The Cabinet has again dismissed the head of the State Reserve. He was reinstated by the court for the first time. Business

Career. 1996-1999 - Advisor for corporate restructuring in a consortium of companies under the auspices of TACIS (Ukraine).

2001-2002 - Worked with products and assets in the energy sector as part of the transaction structuring team at Enron.

2002-2004 - Senior Consultant at GlobalSpec (USA).

From 2004 to 2007- he led the M&A consulting group in the Moscow and Kyiv offices of the 'Big Four' consulting firm Ernst & Young. Became a partner in Ernst & Young's consulting business.

2007-2013 - worked at the investment company Troika Dialog Ukraine, where he headed the investment banking department and was a Managing Director before becoming Head of Corporate Business at Sberbank Russia.

Since April 2013 - Deputy CEO of the agricultural company Ukrlandfarming (owned by Oleg Bakhmatyuk).

On March 17, 2020, the Parliament appointed Igor Petrashko as Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine.

On May 18, 2021, Igor Petrashko was dismissed from the role of Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture by Parliament.

Declaration. According to the declaration for the year 2019, Igor Petrashko lives in an 86.9 m² apartment in Kyiv owned by his wife and their two sons. Petrashko and his wife own a 409.2 m² house in Romaniv in the Obukhov District. Also in Romaniv, Petrashko's wife owns a 0.15-hectare plot of land. Petrashko's wife is also a co-owner of a 109.1 m² apartment in Russia (33.3%).

Petrashko owns three cars: a 2016 Suzuki Vitara S, a 2006 Mitsubishi Outlander, and a 2017 Range Rover Sport, which he co-owns with his wife.

For the year 2019, Petrashko received a salary of 13.67 million in the holding company Ukrlandfarming, as well as about 12,454 UAH in interest income from Privatbank and Ukrgazbank. He has accounts at Ukrgazbank (27,699 UAH and 880 USD) and Oschadbank (13,023 UAH). Petrashko and his wife have accounts at Privatbank (986,141 UAH and 24,322 USD). Petrashko also has 808,157 USD in an account at the American bank Morgan Stanley, and another 15,764 USD in a joint account with his wife at Citibank in New York.

Petrashko also reported 510,000 USD and 1.05 million UAH in cash. His wife - 480,000 USD and 1.6 million UAH.

Igor Petrashko owns a men's watch from Vacheron Constantin and a collection of jewelry - an amulet, a ring, a pendant, and earrings with gemstones, which belong to his wife.

Family. Married. His wife Svetlana graduated from the Kyiv Mohyla Academy and earned a Master's degree from KNEU named after V. Getman. She holds Russian citizenship.

Petrashko and his wife are raising their two sons Matvey and Maxim.

Hobbies. He plays sports, enjoys skiing, and plays chess.
