Anatoliy Pysarenko

Anatoliy Pysarenko

Date of Birth: 02.03.1944

Place of Birth. Education. Born in the village of Petrovskoye, Welyko-Nowosilkowski District, Donetsk Region. In 1974, he graduated from the Makeevka Institute of Civil Engineering. Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Career. In 1962 - Painter in the Construction Administration No. 1 of the Trust 'Donetskzhilstroy'. From 1963, he worked in the Donetsk Association 'Chemist' as a fitter and construction engineer. From 1966 - Construction Manager, Head of the Donetsk Sector of the Kyiv Management 'Remkommunaladka'.

From 1973 - Head of the Donetsk Assembly and Commissioning Management of the Republican Trust 'Ukrkommunmontage', General Director of the Republican Assembly and Commissioning Union 'Ukrkommunekologiya', Head of the Assembly and Commissioning Management 'Donkommunekologiya', Chairman of the Board of Joint Stock Company 'Doneskommunekologiya'.

Twice - in the years 1994 and 1998 - he was elected a People's Deputy of Ukraine. In the Verkhovna Rada, he was Deputy Chairman and Acting Head of the Committee on Environmental Policy, Natural Resources Use, and Elimination of the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster.

Since June 2002 - Head of the Economic Department of the Secretariat of the Central Election Commission.

From December 2004 - Member of the Central Election Commission.

On January 19, 2010, the Ukrainian Parliament dismissed Anatoliy Pysarenko from his position as a member of the Central Election Commission of Ukraine due to his reaching 65 years of age.

Awards. Awarded with the Certificate of Honor from the Government of Ukraine. Honored Builder of Ukraine.
