Oleg Prozhivalsky

Date of birth: 21.10.1949
Oleg Petrovich Prozhivalsky - former Director of Corporate Governance and Control at MTS-Ukraine, former Deputy Head of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine.
Place of birth. Education. Born in Kovel, Volyn Region. Graduated from Lviv Institute of Communication in 1968. 1976 - Odessa Electrotechnical Institute of Communication named after A.S.Popov, specializing in automatic telephony. 1988 - Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
Career. He started working as an electrician in the telecommunications sector in 1970. After graduating from the institute, he held various managerial positions in regional telecommunications centers.
1992-1995 - Minister of Communications of Ukraine.
After resigning from the government, he worked as a consultant for RIT Telecom Netherlands.
He held positions as Deputy General Director of the Ukrainian Telecommunications Association Ukrtelecom, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Ukrtelecom, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Communications and Informatization of Ukraine.
He was President of the Ukrainian Association of Telecommunications Operators Telas.
Until 2008, he worked at MTS-Ukraine - as Director of Corporate Governance and Control, Deputy General Director of the company for state relations.
On March 5, 2008, the Ukrainian government appointed Oleg Prozhivalsky as Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications, Director of the State Department of Communications and Informatization (Goskomsvyazi).
After his resignation in 2010, he returned as Director of Corporate Governance and Control at MTS-Ukraine (now Vodafone).
On June 5, 2018, he left his position as Director of Corporate Governance and Control at Vodafone. Oleg Prozhivalsky became an advisor to the General Director on strategic issues and state regulation in the telecommunications sector.
Awards. Honorable Telecommunications Specialist of Ukraine.
Family. Oleg Prozhivalsky is married. He has two children - son Sergey (born 1972) and daughter Victoria (born 1978).
Hobbies. Hunting, football, tennis.