Teteruk Andrey

Teteruk Andrey

Date of Birth: 15.05.1973

Place of Birth. Education. Born in Vinnitsa. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Military Command Academy. In 2011, he graduated from the Vinnitsa Economic Institute of the Kyiv National Economic University with a degree in Organizational Management.

Career. From 1994 to 1999 he served in the Russian Army in the Far East - as a platoon leader, commander of a motorized rifle company, commander of a reconnaissance company.

Since 1999 he has served in the Ukrainian Army, from fire support platoon leader to commander of a special unit, deputy chief of staff, deputy head of the staff of unit 3028 in Kalinovka, Vinnitsa region.

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October 2003 - Internship at the police academy named after Hosni Mubarak (Egypt).

2004-2005 - Participation in the UN peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, deputy commander, chief of staff of the special peacekeeping unit of the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior.

2006-2007 - Participation in the second UN peacekeeping mission in Kosovo.

2007-2011 - Security officer of one of the shopping centers in Kyiv.

In 2011 he founded his own company LLC Special Technology for the production of tank trucks.

Since March 2014 he has been a volunteer, and since May 2014 he has been the commander of the special patrol police battalion of the special purpose Mirovozorets GUVD of Ukraine in the Kyiv region.

Political Career. In autumn 2014 he was elected to the Verkhovna Rada in the early elections on the lists of the People's Front (No. 5). He headed the subcommittee on social and legal support of the military and their families in the Committee on National Security and Defense. First Deputy Head of the People's Front faction.

December 8, 2014 - Joined the People's Front party, member of the military council of the NF.

In the parliamentary elections of 2019 as a candidate for people's deputies of the party Ukrainian Strategy Groysman, No. 8 on the list. The party could not overcome the 5% barrier.

Awards. Medal for the UN peacekeeping mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), in September 2014 Teteruk received the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky III class.

Family. Married, has two children.
