Ukrainians in Poland were informed about who can obtain a foreigner's identity card and travel document.

Documents that Ukrainians can use in Poland
Documents that Ukrainians can use in Poland

Ukrainians in Poland were informed about who is issued a Polish foreigner's identity card and travel document.

In particular, the Polish foreigner's identity card is issued only to persons:

  • who reside in Poland and do not have citizenship;
  • who have become victims of human trafficking;
  • minor foreign children, if they have been left without parental care.

Moreover, the Polish foreigner's identity card does not confirm the foreigner's citizenship and does not give them the right to cross the border, and its presence does not exempt the foreigner from the obligation to obtain a visa or residence permit.

In turn, the Polish travel document for foreigners is issued only to the following categories of foreigners:

  • holding a permanent residence card;
  • holding a long-term EU resident card;
  • holding a temporary residence card;
  • holding a residence permit in connection with the granting of additional protection (do not confuse with temporary protection PESEL UKR);
  • holding a residence permit for humanitarian reasons;
  • being citizens of Belarus and holding a temporary residence card, prior to obtaining which they were in Poland on the basis of a humanitarian visa.

Therefore, citizens of Ukraine who have a regular temporary residence card or PESEL UKR status cannot claim the Polish travel document for foreigners.

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