No precipitation in Ukraine: weather forecast for February 22.

Weather forecast without precipitation
Weather forecast without precipitation

Weather forecast for February 22

On Saturday, February 22, variable cloudiness without precipitation is expected in Ukraine, reports the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center. The country is under the influence of high atmospheric pressure and air masses from the northeast, which will affect the temperature.

Winds will be variable at a speed of 3-8 m/s. Nighttime temperatures are expected to range from -11 to -16 degrees, with places in the Carpathians and the northern part of the country possibly reaching -19 degrees, while during the day temperatures will range from -2 to -7 degrees. In the extreme west and south of the country, nighttime temperatures are expected to be from -6 to -11 degrees, and daytime temperatures will range from -3 degrees to +2 degrees.

The Ukrhydrometcenter warns that on February 21-23, due to the further intensification of ice phenomena, sharp fluctuations in water levels may occur with daily intensity, without threat of negative consequences.

In Kyiv region and the capital, variable cloudiness without precipitation is expected. Icy conditions may occur in places. Winds will be southeast at a speed of 3-8 m/s.

Nighttime temperatures are expected to range from -11 to -16 degrees, with places possibly reaching -19 degrees. During the day, temperatures will range from -2 to -7 degrees. In Kyiv, nighttime temperatures will be around -12 to -14 degrees, while during the day they will range from -4 to -6 degrees.

Due to cold weather and ice formation processes, rivers and reservoirs across the country are freezing. However, the ice cover is still not strong, so it is dangerous to go out onto the ice and remain on it.

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