Over the past year, investors in green energy have not received 20% of their income.

Chart showing the missed 20% income
Упродовж минулого року інвестори у відновлювальну енергію зіткнулися з суттєвими втратами, які склали одну п'яту їхніх доходів.

Ukrenergo owed investors 22.1 billion UAH. This was reported by the Guaranteed Buyer in a report on the activities of the state enterprise.

More than 20% of funds allocated for green energy were not paid. In particular, only 79.6% of payments for electricity from renewable sources were made.

According to the Guaranteed Buyer, only 62.2% of the debt for 2022 was settled and paid.

However, it is worth noting that there is no significant debt for green electricity produced in the country in 2021 and 2023. 99.7% and 95.3% of funds were paid on Time, respectively.

Experts urge the government, parliament, and the National Energy Commission to take measures to save the situation in the energy sector from paralysis caused by the accumulation of significant debts.

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