Biden stated that he 'will not disappear': what the ex-president will do.

Image of Biden as an ex-president
Байден запевнив, що залишиться на політичній арені: плани колишнього президента.

82-year-old Joe Biden has been disappointed when allies deprived him of the chance to defeat Donald Trump. However, he does not plan to step back and will try to remain engaged in political life. Biden stated that he 'will not disappear' after finishing his term in the White House.

After his presidency, Joe Biden plans to continue working on domestic policy at the Biden Institute at the University of Delaware and on foreign policy at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington. He will also be actively involved in the work of the Beau Biden Foundation, which focuses on protecting vulnerable children, as well as the Cancer Moonshot initiative for fighting cancer. Joe Biden said he wants to accomplish many things, so he 'is not disappearing'.

In addition, Biden plans to write a book and raise funds for his presidential library, which is likely to be located in Delaware.

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