A powerful anticyclone Elvira will cover Europe: Didenko said how it will affect the weather in Ukraine.

Anticyclone Elvira over Europe
Антициклон Ельвіра принесе стабільну погоду в Україні: синоптики прогнозують зміни температури.

On Thursday, February 6, a powerful anticyclone Elvira will appear over Europe. This was reported by meteorologist Natalia Didenko on Facebook.

Tomorrow, the anticyclone Elvira, with its center over the North Sea, will bring dry weather to most European countries. This will cause a humid cyclone with atmospheric fronts to move far into the Atlantic and approach Scandinavia.

In Ukraine, on Thursday, weather without significant precipitation is also expected. Only a small amount of snow will fall due to an occlusion front in the western regions. In Crimea, snow and wet snow may occur from the southeast due to the influence of the cyclone.

'Ice on the roads has increased – be careful with your footwear, car tires, road crossing rules, and speed', Didenko warned.

Air temperature is expected to be between -3 and -8 degrees overnight, and during the day – from -3 to +2 degrees.

The wind will be from the east, moderate, with gusts of 15-20 meters per second possible in the south and east of Ukraine.

In Kyiv, no precipitation is expected on February 6. However, it is vital for drivers to be cautious on the roads due to the ice. Overnight, the temperature will be between -2 and -4 degrees, and during the day – around zero.

The meteorologist also noted that there are no significant precipitations expected in Ukraine in the near future. There will be minor or moderate frosts at night, and during the day – around zero or slight positive temperatures.

It is noteworthy that earlier, meteorologists spoke about the possibility of frosts up to -30 degrees and snowfalls after abnormally warm weather in Ukraine.

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