Google announces switch to AI assistant: what is known.

Google announces switch to AI assistant
Google announces switch to AI assistant

Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced a new approach for the company to provide information to search engine users.

During a teleconference, Pichai talked about the future of artificial intelligence and search, mentioning the Astra project - a multimodal artificial intelligence system by DeepMind that can process live video from a camera or computer screen and answer users' questions about what the AI sees in real Time.

He also mentioned the Gemini Deep Research AI agent, which can create lengthy research reports in just a few minutes.

Pichai noted that by 2025, the search engine will expand the types of user queries and offer new capabilities.

Gradually, the search product is becoming similar to an AI assistant that browses the internet for you, scrolls through web pages, and provides answers. It is far more than just a search engine with ten blue links on a page.

Google has a specific vision for the search conditions that can be created using the AI agent Project Mariner. This system can utilize website interfaces on behalf of users, allowing access to content without the need for the website itself.

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