PFU explained the benefits for large families in paying utility bills: how to apply.

Children and utility payments: what benefits are available?
ПФУ розповів, як великі сім'ї можуть отримати допомогу з оплатою комунальних платежів та як подати заявку.

The Pension Fund of Ukraine has revealed the benefits provided to large families for paying housing and utility services. The law provides for a discount on housing and utility payments for families raising three or more children. These families are entitled to a 50-percent discount on housing payments, utility services, and heating fuel. The size of the discount depends on the family's income and cannot exceed the amount of the tax social benefit.

The right to receive benefits is automatically determined by the Pension Fund of Ukraine based on the family's income. The amount of the benefit and subsidy is established individually, taking into account the financial situation of each large family. However, it should be remembered that benefits and subsidies are assigned individually depending on the specific circumstances of each family.

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