French Prime Minister: Europe must unite to confront Trump.

The President of France speaks out against Trump
Прем'єр-міністр Франції закликає європейські країни до єдності у відповідь на виклики, які ставить Трамп.

French Prime Minister François Bayrou warned that France and all of Europe must confront the new President of the United States, Donald Trump, and his policies, otherwise they will face disappointment.

'The United States has decided to embark on an extremely dominant form of politics through the dollar, through its industrial policy, through its ability to seize global investments and global research. And if we do nothing, then our fate is very simple - we will be dominated. We will be disappointed. We will be marginalized,' Bayrou told reporters, according to ZN.UA.

He also believes that the decision on how to respond lies solely with the French people and Europe.

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