Supermarkets have updated prices for sausage and cheese in February: how much will Ukrainians pay.

Prices for sausage and cheese in February
Супермаркети переглянули вартість ковбасних виробів та сиру у лютому: які зміни чекають на українців у гаманцях.

Prices for sausage and cheese increased at the beginning of February

According to the Minfin portal, at the beginning of February, prices for sausage and cheese rose in supermarkets.

Sausage and cheese are an important component of breakfast and snacks for many Ukrainians. They also frequently appear on the table throughout the day. Let’s take a look at how their prices have changed as of February 5.

Most popular types of boiled sausage have become more expensive. For example, the price of sausage 'Alan' decreased from 423.13 to 415.02 hryvnias per kilogram. Sausage 'Auchan' went up slightly - from 341.15 to 344.90 hryvnias per kilogram. But the most expensive was sausage 'Globino' - the cost rose from 294.42 to 319.00 hryvnias per kilogram.

It is also worth noting the changes in cheese prices. Dutch cheese 'Zveni Hora' in a kilogram package decreased slightly - from 530.63 to 520.19 hryvnias per kilogram, while the 285-gram packaging became cheaper from 154.42 to 139.00 hryvnias. Cheese 'Kamo' (50%) showed a significant increase in cost - from 453.48 to 508.33 hryvnias per kilogram.

It was previously reported that Ukraine satisfies only a third of the domestic demand for important vegetables.

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