Drivers have been shown places where it is strictly forbidden to stop vehicles.

It is forbidden to stop vehicles on sidewalks
Автомобілістам продемонстрували зони, де зупинка транспортних засобів категорично заборонена.

Drivers were reminded about prohibited places for stopping vehicles

The press service of the Kyiv patrol police reported that drivers were reminded about prohibited places for stopping cars. Patrol officers continue to identify violators and conduct explanations, as well as draw up administrative protocols.

According to the traffic rules, stopping a vehicle is prohibited in specific situations, which are listed in the relevant paragraph of the traffic rules. In particular, it is prohibited to stop at railway crossings and tram tracks, on bridges and overpasses, at intersections and within 10 meters of them, and in many other places.

The patrol police called on drivers to be responsible and respect other road users. It should be reminded that violating the rules of stopping and parking incurs a fine of 340 hryvnias.

Re-registration of vehicles in Ukraine has also resumed.

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