10 years of the heroics of cyborgs. Ukraine honors the memory of the defenders of Donetsk airport.

10 years of cyborgs' heroism. Ukraine honours the memory of the defenders of Donetsk airport
10 років мужності кібервоїнів. Україна вшановує пам'ять захисників терміналу в Донецькому аеропорту.

Today Ukraine honors the memory of the defenders of Donetsk airport, who fought for the independence of their country. 10 years ago, after prolonged battles, Russian occupiers forced Ukrainian troops to retreat and inflicted significant losses.

The soldiers, who received the nickname 'cyborgs', ruthlessly defended their positions in the airport, even under inhumane shelling and encirclement. Several hundred soldiers died, among them were volunteers and medics.

The last terminal of the airport was destroyed by Russian forces during the battles. The invaders used the tactic of shooting over the heads of civilians to create the impression that there were hostilities between the Ukrainian army and local residents.

The main battles for the airport took place in May 2014 and after the signing of the Minsk agreements. Unfortunately, the Ukrainian troops were unable to fully hold their positions and were forced to leave the airport on January 22, 2015.

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