625 UAH per kilo: how prices for lard, ham, and bacon changed in September.

Price of lard and bacon
Price of lard and bacon

Ukrainians were shown fresh prices for lard, ham, and bacon in supermarkets.

As "Khvilya" reports, this is evidenced by the data of the Minfin portal.

Many people love to treat themselves to meat delicacies, especially lard, which is known for its benefits. However, their cost is quite high and not everyone can afford it, primarily pensioners with low payments. Let's show how much these products cost as of September 12.

Lard prices in Ukraine

As for lard, there is good news. Compared to last month, its cost has not changed. Homemade is sold at an average of 234.00 UAH/kg. And salted is even 4 kopecks cheaper – 224.80 UAH/kg.

However, Yatran ham, on the other hand, increased in price from 518.76 UAH/kg to 527.14 UAH/kg. For Yatran ham baked with prunes, you will have to pay 625.32 UAH/kg (the cost has not changed).

Meanwhile, Ukrprompostach bacon increased in price from 412.49 UAH/kg to 417.10 UAH/kg.

Recall, in Ukraine, prices for pears are sharply decreasing.

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