Bloomberg pointed out the inefficiency of EU and US sanctions against oil from Russia.

Ineffectiveness of EU and US sanctions
Ineffectiveness of EU and US sanctions

According to Bloomberg, despite the sanctions, many Russian tankers continue their operations. In particular, 21 out of 72 vessels under sanctions have already managed to transport oil. Experts claim that this became possible due to increased trust from buyers and found bypass routes.

Particularly important is the information about the increase in the number of tankers returning to work. It is also worth noting that many vessels have changed their names and flags.

Almost all shipments were directed to China, but the share of supplies to India has also increased.

Record oil shipments in the Arctic

It is also worth mentioning that Russia set a record for oil shipments in the Arctic. About 15 tankers with 10.7 million barrels of oil passed through the Northern Sea Route.

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