Where it is more expensive: comparison of apartment prices in Dnipro and Lviv.

Comparison of apartment prices in Dnipro and Lviv
Comparison of apartment prices in Dnipro and Lviv

Ukrainians were shown how apartment prices differ in various cities of the country.

According to "Khvilya", this is evidenced by data from LUN.

For the majority of Ukrainians planning to buy housing or tracking market trends, it is important to understand how the cost of real estate differs in various regions. This allows them to compare available options and make an informed choice. Therefore, we will show how prices in the secondary housing market in Dnipro and Odesa differ.

Apartment prices / Photo: RBC-Ukraine/Vitaliy Nosach


According to the latest data, the average prices for secondary real estate in Dnipro as of August 2024 are as follows:

  • One-room apartments – from $24,500 (Novokodatsky district) to $44,000 (Soborny district).
  • Two-room apartments – from $30,000 (Samarsky district) to $65,000 (Soborny).
  • Three-room apartments – from $40,000 (Samarsky) to $85,000 (Soborny district).

The most expensive areas for buying housing in the secondary market are Soborny, Central, and Shevchenkivsky. More affordable options can be found in Industrial, Samarsky, and Novokodatsky districts.

Note that the main factors affecting the cost of apartments are their condition, location, and the overall situation in the local real estate market.


Here, apartments are sold significantly more expensively.

In particular, the price for one-room apartments ranges from $55,000 (Railway district) to $65,000 (Shevchenkivsky district).

Two-room apartments can be purchased from $77,400 to $97,400.

Three-room apartments are on average sold from $90,000 to $139,500.

So, the most for apartments will have to be paid in Halytsky, Frankivsky, and Lychakivsky districts. Cheaper options are found in Sykhivsky and Railway.

Earlier, we wrote about how much apartments cost in Kyiv, and which district is the cheapest.

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