Until the end, he believed he would return home. Let's remember Petro Huk.

Portrait of Petro Huk
Portrait of Petro Huk

Every day at 9 am, Ukrainians honor the memory of all whose lives were taken by the Russian-Ukrainian war. Today we remember Petro Huk. 

Senior Lieutenant Petro Huk, call sign Kudryavyi, was killed on the night of July 28-29, 2022, in Olenivka, where Russian occupiers committed a war crime against Ukrainian prisoners of war.

Petro was born in the city of Ali-Bayramli (Azerbaijan), where his father was sent to work as a welder on a construction site. After 5 years, the family returned to Lviv. Here, Petro studied at Lyceum No. 2.

«Petro was our graduate. His courage, selflessness, and sacrifice will always be unforgettable for us. We are proud that Petro Huk was our student and left an indelible mark. He showed great courage, sacrifice, and loyalty to his country. His contribution to the struggle for Ukraine's freedom and independence is extremely significant», – wrote on the page of the Lviv Lyceum.

Later, Petro continued his studies at the National University «Lviv Polytechnic». He also studied at the Economics and Law Faculty of Mariupol State University, where he obtained a master's degree in enterprise security. 

He participated in the Revolution of Dignity. In 2014, he joined the Azov regiment and moved to Mariupol. He was a participant in the ATO. He served as a machine gunner.

In 2015, he sustained a severe knee injury and underwent several surgeries. Petro was transferred to the engineers. He was also responsible for engineering support and was the head of the relevant department.

With the start of the full-scale invasion, he defended Mariupol at Azovstal together with his comrades.

«Before the war, my brother lived in Lviv. He was a private entrepreneur. His activities were related to electricity and construction. He was an optimist. He had friends tested by life. He was a true and unyielding patriot. The last Time we talked about the exchange of prisoners, he was confident that they would be exchanged. Until the end, he believed he would return home... The Russian occupiers were shocked by the courage of our defenders», – said the defender's older brother Robert Huk.

The officer was awarded a memorial sign «Defender of Mariupol» and a Presidential award «For Participation in the ATO».

Petro Huk and other prisoners were held by the Russians in the Olenivka colony on temporarily occupied territory. On July 29, 2022, the defender died in a terrorist attack. The man was 49 years old. Six months before the invasion, Petro Huk's mother passed away.

The funeral ceremony for Petro Huk and medic Ilona Orlova took place on June 29, 2023, at the Garrison Church in the city of Lviv. The farewell ceremony was attended by Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi and Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko. The Heroes were buried in the Field of Honored Burials at Lychakiv Cemetery.

Petro Huk was posthumously awarded the Order «For Courage» of the third degree and the title «Captain».

The defender is survived by his brother and four nephews.

«Glavcom» joins the moment of silence. We honor the memory of all Ukrainians who died fighting for their Homeland. We remember those who died at the hands of Russian invaders, light candles of memory, and bow our heads in sorrow during the national moment of silence, honoring the bright memory of Ukrainian citizens who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of the state: all the military, civilians, and children, all who died fighting against the Russian occupiers and as a result of the enemy troops' attack on Ukrainian cities and villages.

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