The Expert Explained How New Taxes Will Adjust Fuel Prices at Gas Stations.

Expert explains new taxes on gas stations
Expert explains new taxes on gas stations

The director of the consulting company A-95, Serhiy Kuyun, explained how the innovations regarding advance deposits by gas stations will affect fuel prices.

On August 29, the Finance Committee recommended that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine consider and adopt the updated version of the draft law N11416-d. This draft law proposes changes to the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding taxation during a state of war. Advance deposits by gas stations remain unchanged.

Kuyun is confident that this innovation has a positive impact on the fuel market, promoting competition.

Fuel prices in Ukraine / Photo: Getty Images

"It is important to understand that this draft law does not increase the tax, but strengthens the discipline of profit tax payment. As of today, this tax is fully paid by the OKKO network, whereas other networks tend to optimize. This creates unequal competition conditions," explained Kuyun.

He also noted that the new system of mandatory profit tax payment will promote fair competition.

"So that everyone is on equal terms. This money is not superfluous for the state budget," noted Kuyun.

The expert assured that Ukrainians will not feel the increase in fuel prices.

"Nothing will change for Ukrainians. The money that previously remained in pockets will now be paid into the budget," he added.

Gas stations SOCAR, OKKO, Avantage 7, and others have published new fuel prices in Kyiv region.

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