The expert explained why there is no accurate map of hostilities in Kursk in the network.

Diagram: combat actions in Kurshchina
Diagram: combat actions in Kurshchina

Official information blockade and unknown number of battles on the territory of the Russian Federation prevent the presence of an operational map of hostilities in the Kursk and Belgorod regions. Israeli military expert David Hendelman noted this in an interview with Radio Liberty.

First of all, things haven't "settled down" there yet, as they say. Yes, it's not like in the first two days, when there was no front line at all and all Ukrainian units were advancing wherever they could, both to the north, and to the northwest, and to the northeast, and to the east," the expert noted.

Hendelman emphasized that the Russians are gradually resending forces to Kursk, but this does not give the desired result. He believes it is difficult to monitor the situation until it stabilizes.

So far, firstly, the fog of battle, and secondly, from the Ukrainian side there is a deliberate official information blockade. While the General Staff, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and all others report in detail about what is happening in other directions, regarding the Kursk direction, apart from general words from the Ukrainian political leadership that Ukraine is doing something there, there is nothing official from the Ukrainian side," the expert stressed.

David Hendelman noted that even on DeepStateMap there was a complete lack of information in the first days. He believes that the project leaders probably received instructions not to publish anything. However, to this day, information regarding Kursk on this resource is not as accurate as in other directions, the expert added.

Therefore, almost everything more or less detailed we hear from the Russian side... From the Ukrainian side, there is nothing like that, officially a complete information blockade. In principle, itself also a plus to achieve such silence," Hendelmann summarized.

After the start of the Ukrainian operation in the Kursk region, Russia began to withdraw part of its troops from the territory of Ukraine. Ukraine has also significantly increased its exchange fund. In particular, since the beginning of the day, Ukrainian soldiers managed to capture 100 Russian soldiers. In addition, Ukrainian defenders have again advanced from one to two kilometers in the Kursk region.

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