Hetmansev explained the increase in military tax and VAT.

Hetman explained the increase in military fees
Hetman explained the increase in military fees

The head of the finance, tax, and customs policy committee, Danilo Hetmansev, expressed his opinion on raising funds for the army at the "Business and War" forum in Kyiv. He proposed increasing both the military tax and the value-added tax (VAT). Hetmansev believes that only these two powerful taxes can quickly collect the necessary amount of money to the budget from all taxpayers equally. He also noted that the introduction of luxury taxes is not an effective solution, as there are discrepancies in determining luxury items and tax rates. The head of the committee also emphasized that raising the military tax and VAT is a fair approach. He acknowledged that the issue of tax non-payment concerns all types of taxes, including the military tax. According to the introduced bills, it is expected that the increase in the military tax and other tax initiatives will bring significant amounts of money to the state budget.

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