CIA and MI6 Chiefs: Putin Will Not Succeed in Destroying Ukraine's Sovereignty and Independence.

CIA and MI6 discuss Ukraine
CIA and MI6 discuss Ukraine

The chiefs of the CIA and MI6 emphasized the importance of the cooperation between the intelligence services of the US and the UK in countering Russian aggression in Ukraine and supporting Ukrainian independence in a joint article for the Financial Times.

The intelligence leaders noted that their organizations predicted the Russian invasion and timely warned the international community, enabling a united response to protect Ukraine. They also highlighted that declassifying some intelligence information is an effective tool in counteracting aggression.

"Putin will not destroy Ukraine's sovereignty and independence," declared the intelligence chiefs, stressing that Russia's actions violate the UN Charter and international norms. They assured their support for Ukrainian intelligence partners.

The intelligence chiefs emphasized the uniqueness of the conflict in Ukraine, which combines open-source software with advanced combat technologies. They listed a wide range of deployed technologies: from commercial and military satellite imagery to drones, cyber warfare, social media, open-source intelligence, unmanned aerial and maritime vehicles, and information operations.

The intelligence leaders underscored the importance of adaptation, experimentation, and innovation in connection with this conflict. They also mentioned joint efforts to counter the "reckless sabotage campaign across Europe" conducted by Russian intelligence and its "cynical use of technology to spread lies and disinformation."

The intelligence chiefs stressed that maintaining technological superiority is key to ensuring shared intelligence advantage. They noted that the CIA and MI6 are using artificial intelligence, including generative AI, to enhance intelligence activities and protect their operations.

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