MPs reacted to the announcement of new suspicions in the Grinkevich case.

Grinkevich implicated in the case
Grinkevich implicated in the case

In the case against Lviv entrepreneur Roman Grinkevich, the SBI and the Prosecutor General's Office are preparing notifications of suspicions to MoD officials, as announced by the prosecutor in the courtroom. Whom exactly this concerns, as reported by "Economic News," the state prosecutor did not specify, but it was clear that "it is not about one official, but a group of people" related to state contracts with Grinkevich Jr.'s company. In the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, this turn in the proceedings is considered logical and long-awaited.

Anatoliy Burmich, a representative of the Anti-Corruption Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, noted that today in cases like that of Grinkevich and others, the investigation should not have an exclusive attitude towards authorities' representatives.

According to him, in wartime conditions, it may not be so easy for the investigation to identify the full circle of those guilty in defense procurement schemes, as information about such contracts is classified.

«It is not so easy for the investigation to identify suspects. But what is in the public domain – it is better to conduct the investigation longer, but it is important that this case does not fall apart in court. We hope that the SBI will be able to complete this criminal proceeding, identify other suspects, and all those abuses», – he said, noting that multimillion-dollar contracts for the purchase of uniforms for the AFU were unlikely to have been concluded without the assistance of MoD officials.

«It's very difficult to talk about this. But probably yes. And it needs to be talked about», – he added.

Let us remind you that the SBI investigation accuses Grinkevich Jr. of embezzling funds on state defense contracts with the Ministry of Defense and supplying low-quality uniforms for the AFU.

It is also known that the Ministry of Defense, accepting orders from Grinkevich's company, had no complaints about the quality of the product and did not even draw up a single reclamation act regarding the form's compliance with quality characteristics.

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