Even a delay won't save: Ukrainians will have to update data to TCC again.

Ukrainians will have to update data again
Ukrainians will have to update data again

This year, conscripted citizens faced a difficult situation with deferrals from mobilization.

Many people who were entitled to a deferral and submitted the required documents in the spring received it only until August 12. Now, in November, they will have to worry again.

The point is that the deferral is usually granted for 90 days - the duration of the president's mobilization decree. After August 12, people had to submit documents again. According to the new presidential decree, the next deferral period is until November 9.

Unfortunately, this procedure will have to be repeated regularly if the laws do not change. Those who submitted documents after August 12 now have a deferral until November 9. To extend it, they need to submit an application to the territorial recruitment center again - on paper or via the internet.

Mobilization in Ukraine / Photo: Pexels

It's important to remember that if the grounds for deferral have changed, the commission may review its decision. So far, automatic renewal via the internet is not working, although it was promised to be implemented. Some groups of citizens, such as people with disabilities, may have special conditions for obtaining a deferral.

Experts say there is much uncertainty in this issue right now, and the authorities need to provide more clarifications.

By the way, on August 7, President Zelensky signed laws on extending martial law and mobilization for another 90 days, until November 9.

These bills 11433 and 11434 were registered as far back as July 23.

Let us remind you that the Ministry of Defense commented on the reports in "Reserve+" about "deferrals until the end of mobilization".

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