A Unique Ecosystem Found Under the Antarctic Ice.

The underwater world of Antarctica with a unique flora
The underwater world of Antarctica with a unique flora

Off the coast of Antarctica, a shelf ice broke, allowing scientists to explore an area of the ocean that was previously hidden from sunlight for the first Time. Researchers discovered a rich underwater ecosystem with giant sea spiders, octopuses, icefish, corals, and sponges. This discovery provides scientists with important information about how organisms adapt to extreme conditions and climate change.

Researchers used a special device to collect samples and photograph the seafloor under the shelf ice. Scientists now need to conduct a prolonged analysis of the collected samples to identify new species.

Reduction of Ice Area in the Arctic

An international group of scientists preliminarily predicts that the area of sea ice in the Arctic may completely melt earlier than expected. Calculations show that climate change is leading to a rapid decline in ice—by more than 12% every decade. In 2024, a historic minimum of ice area was recorded. If the ice area in the Arctic Ocean falls below 1 million sq. km, the Arctic will be considered ice-free. It was previously expected that this would happen in the 2030s, but the earliest forecast suggests the possibility of ocean thawing as soon as 2027.

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