Floating Power Plants: Expert Named the Drawbacks of Energy Facilities.

Floating power plants face criticism
Floating power plants face criticism

Ukraine is considering the possibility of obtaining electricity from floating power plants, but there are problems complicating this process.

According to the director of energy programs at the "Razumkov Center" Volodymyr Omelchenko, the market for floating power plants is not widely developed worldwide. Such vessels are most actively used in underdeveloped countries of West Africa, where there are issues with power supply due to an insufficient number of power plants.

"In Ukraine, the situation is unique. I think that even a small additional amount of electricity generation would be useful to us. In this case, it could be no more than 500 MW, which would also be good," the expert said.

However, there are three key problems on the way to implementing this idea. The first is the protection of ships from missile and drone attacks, as Russians have repeatedly attacked grain carriers at sea and may strike an energy ship.

The second problem is the high cost of electricity that these ships can generate. According to the expert's forecasts, it could be twice or even three times more expensive than the market price in Ukraine.

The third problem is connecting the ships to electrical networks. This requires prepared substations and transformers that can transmit the necessary power.

"If these problems are resolved, it would be a good solution for Ukraine. But predicting when and how this will be implemented is currently impossible," Omelchenko said.

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