Podolyak named the conditions of the truce with the Russian Federation, which Ukraine will never agree to.

Ceasefire conditions with RF are unacceptable for Ukraine
Ceasefire conditions with RF are unacceptable for Ukraine

The President does not plan to freeze the conflict with Russia

Mykhailo Podolyak, advisor to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, has decisively refuted rumors about a possible freezing of the conflict with Russia. He emphasized that none of the existing plans to end the war includes either a ceasefire or the transfer of territories to the aggressor.

He said this on the air of the "Today" TV channel.

"The President has repeatedly spoken about this, it is a clear dominant position: no freezing of the conflict, because it will not lead to the end of the war as such, but will only give Russia the opportunity to accumulate additional resources and continue the third stage of mass killings of civilians in Ukraine," - said Podolyak.

Mykhailo Podolyak

He noted that there are also no concepts of territorial concessions. The advisor to the head of the Office emphasized that the only acceptable concept for Kyiv to end the war is the complete defeat of Russia. According to Podolyak, this position has been repeatedly voiced by the President of Ukraine and remains unwavering.

Let us recall that earlier the American publication WP analyzed why Ukrainians resisted "land in exchange for peace".

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