Poland updated the social benefits system: what has changed for refugees from Ukraine.

Poland updates social benefits system: changes for refugees from Ukraine
Poland updates social benefits system: changes for refugees from Ukraine

In Poland, the rules of social benefits for families with children have changed

From October 1, 2024, new rules regarding social benefits for families with children aged 12 to 35 months came into effect in Poland. These changes will significantly affect Ukrainian refugees living in the country.

This was reported by Radio "Liberty".

Previously, Ukrainians with temporary protection (PESEL UKR) automatically received a monthly allowance of 500 PLN per child aged one to three years. In addition, working mothers could apply for an additional compensation of 1500 PLN for nursery services. Now the situation has changed: only the possibility of receiving 1500 PLN assistance remains, but under certain conditions.

The new family support program, approved by the Polish government, is called "Aktywny Rodzic" and is aimed at encouraging parents to return to the labor market faster after the birth of a child. For Polish citizens and migrants with legal access to the labor market, there are three types of assistance: "Active Parents at Work", "Active in Nursery" and "Active at Home".

Payments in Poland

However, Ukrainian refugees can only apply for the "Active in Nursery" (Aktywnie w żlobku) assistance of 1500 PLN. To do this, it is necessary to meet two conditions: have official employment and continuous PESEL UKR status for 365 days for the mother and child.

Expert of the "Ukrainian House" foundation, Oleksandr Pestrikov, noted that the new rules may create some difficulties for Ukrainian families. In particular, problems may arise with determining the continuity of stay in Poland, especially if there were cases of temporary loss of UKR status.

Changes in the social benefits system are seen as an attempt by the Polish government to reduce the influx of new refugees from Ukraine. This may influence the decision of those considering moving to Poland, as now they will have to wait a year before gaining the right to social assistance.

School in Poland

It should be noted that the allocation of the 800+ benefit for children attending Polish schools (including children of Ukrainian refugees) remains unchanged.

According to UNHCR data, about a million Ukrainian refugees currently live in Poland. The country has played a key role in accepting and supporting Ukrainians fleeing the war, and was also one of the first to start supplying new types of military equipment to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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