About 70% of sowing areas are affected by drought - Ukrhidrometcenter.

Drought affects 70% of crop areas
Drought affects 70% of crop areas

About 70% of regions suffer from drought

In the Ukrhidrometcenter, it was reported that according to agrometeorologists, about 70% of sowing areas are affected by drought.

"We really had abnormally high temperature values during the summer and in September... We continue to have meteorological summer, as the temperature has not dropped enough to record the onset of meteorological autumn. To recognize meteorological autumn, the average daily temperature in a certain region must be 15 degrees or below for several days. Currently, in most regions of Ukraine, the temperature is much higher and we also have very low levels of precipitation" - stated the spokeswoman of the Ukrhidrometcenter Nataliia Ptukha.

She noted that the lack of precipitation is particularly noticeable during the summer in the southern, eastern, and central regions.

"According to our agrometeorologists, about 70% of sowing areas are affected by drought. Even the top layer of soil becomes completely dry. This is especially true for the southeastern part of Ukraine. This affects the sowing, which is starting now. The sowing is progressing slowly, but we still hope that it will not cause significant damage to the future harvest" - said the spokeswoman of the Ukrhidrometcenter.

Source: Ukrinform

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