Professions of the Future: Who Employers Will Be Looking for in 5 Years.

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The Labor Market and Its Changes

Over the past five years, the labor market has changed significantly. Some professions have become more popular, while others are gradually disappearing.

According to the Future of Jobs Report 2025, the main factors influencing the labor market in 2025-2030 will be digitalization, rising living costs, adaptation to climate change, and geopolitical tensions.

During this period, the demand for vacancies in the technology sector will grow the fastest, such as fintech engineers, AI specialists, and machine learning experts. However, teachers, agricultural workers, delivery drivers, construction workers, salespeople, food industry workers, nurses, social workers, and caregivers will also be in demand.

39% of the skills currently required in the labor market will change in the next five years. Cashiers, ticket controllers, administrative assistants, secretaries, postal service workers, bank tellers, and data entry workers must be prepared for a possible decrease in job opportunities.

Moreover, there are skills that will become extremely important in the future but are currently undervalued. These include the ability to work with networks, knowledge in cybersecurity, and environmental management.

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