Putin Ordered Carpet Bombing in Kursk Region: What the Armed Forces of Ukraine Say.

Putin ordered bombings in Kursk region
Putin ordered bombings in Kursk region

According to a photo published online, Vladimir Putin ordered carpet bombing of the Kursk region. This was stated by the head of the Council of Reservists of the Land Forces of Ukraine, Ivan Tymochko, on the "Kyiv24" program.

"I heard information that they tried to conduct mass strikes. We do not yet have official results from us. What appeared on the maps is so contradictory that it is difficult for me to assess the reality in this direction. I think that today or tomorrow we will have more detailed information," he said.

According to the military, Russia's carpet bombing on their territory is a "test of strength."

"What our brothers from this direction say is that Putin decided on what most of us understood but considered absolutely illogical – the carpet bombing of Kursk," said the spokesman.

Tymochko added that Russia is building up its forces to carry out a "large-scale operation aimed at ousting Ukrainian forces."

Earlier it was reported that Russian forces intend to displace Ukrainian troops from the Kursk region before bad weather conditions complicate hostilities.

Ukrainian officials noted that Russia is stepping up offensive operations in Ukraine before the rainy season.

It is quite likely that this Russian operational plan also extends to reclaiming the Kursk region. Several Russian sources reported the beginning of a period of limited muddiness of the terrain starting from October 11.

Russia has transferred about 50,000 troops to the Kursk region, weakening its positions on the front in Ukraine. They are also constantly attacking Ukrainians.

Recall, on October 12, a powerful explosion occurred in the Russian city of Kurchatov. According to preliminary data, the explosion occurred as a result of drone strikes, leading to the detonation of ammunition near the Kursk NPP.

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