Russia uses personnel as bait to identify AFU fire positions - military.

Russian personnel used to determine the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Russian personnel used to determine the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russia uses its military personnel to assault Ukrainian positions in order to determine the location of the Ukrainian Defense Forces' fire systems, reported Vitaliy Sarantsev, spokesperson for the Kharkiv Operational Tactical Group.

"The enemy does not pay attention to its own losses. It prefers to preserve equipment and weapons over its own military personnel. Therefore, people are often sent in an attempt to assault unclear objects. They are used as bait to distract the Ukrainian defense forces. However, these people will surely die from our fire," he said.

According to Sarantsev, the most dangerous area remains Vovchansk and the adjacent settlements. The enemy is trying to expand its control zone using all means - shelling the city with MLRS and heavy flamethrower systems.

"From Time to time, the enemy manages to damage its own units. This indicates its despair and rage, as well as that it is trying to reach its unit which remains blocked at the agglomerated plant. However, the enemy fails to do so because we are well aware of its strengths and capabilities. We know about all the detachments it introduces to reinforce its assault groups entering the battle," said Sarantsev.

The spokesperson also reported that Russian activity has decreased in the Hlyboke - Lyptsi direction. However, the enemy continues to shell Ukrainian positions and reinforce its assault groups by introducing new military personnel and increasing the number of communication and control means.

"When the enemy finds favorable conditions, it will attack our units. We also need to be ready for this," added Sarantsev.

Source: Ukrinform

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