Russian diplomats spread a fake about F-16.

Russian diplomats spread fake news about F-16
Russian diplomats spread fake news about F-16

Russian diplomats spread lies again

The Russian Embassy in the Republic of South Africa published a photo on the X network, which, in their opinion, depicted a downed Ukrainian F-16 fighter jet. However, it turned out that the photo showed a US Air Force plane that was lost in 2019. The Russians edited the photo by adding Ukrainian symbols to the tail of the plane - reports the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security Spravdi.

Subsequently, pro-Russian sources spread the fake, claiming that a mural of the "lost" fighter jet appeared in Arlington near Washington, where the Pentagon is located. This fake was apparently created to incite outrage among American taxpayers and had the caption "And for this we pay?" - reports StopFake.

Earlier, a Kuliba deepfake tried to get classified information from a US senator.

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