Another EU Country Refused Russian Gas, - Bloomberg.

Image of a gas pipeline and EU flag
Image of a gas pipeline and EU flag

Vienna, recognized as the most comfortable city to live in, is making a step towards independence from Russian gas. The company Wien Energie GmbH announced a revolutionary change in its energy policy. Starting from 2025, they will completely abandon the use of Russian gas, affecting more than two million residents of Vienna and nearby areas. They have signed contracts for the supply of 10 terawatt-hours of gas from alternative sources, which constitutes 12% of the country's total gas consumption. New suppliers include countries from North Africa, the North Sea, and various liquefied gas producers.

"In the light of Russia's aggressive war, independence from Russian gas has become critically important to ensure our energy security. By 2025, all households, commercial consumers, and power plants will operate only on non-Russian gas," said the company's Chief Financial Officer Peter Hanke.

Europe's rejection of Russian gas

The announcement by Wien Energie may ease tensions in gas markets, especially in light of the cessation of Russian gas supplies through Ukraine from the beginning of next year. Wien Energie plans to continue purchasing gas through the Central European Gas Hub but will require certificates confirming the origin of the gas without Russian roots. The company will use certificates of origin based on blockchain technology, making them secure against forgery.

Though alternative gas supplies will be somewhat more expensive than Russian gas, Wien Energie's CEO Michael Strebl claims that the company will not raise prices for end consumers.


It is noted that Austria has long maintained close ties with the Russian energy sector. In 2018, the country extended the long-term gas supply contract until 2040.

Vienna is becoming an example of energy independence and sustainable development for other European capitals.

But earlier it became known that an Austrian airline could circumvent sanctions and supply parts to the Russian Federation.

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