The US may send a high-ranking Pentagon official to a security forum in China — Media.

High-ranking Pentagon official at security forum
High-ranking Pentagon official at security forum

American Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Michael Chase will represent the US at the annual security forum in China in September. This information was reported by Reuters, citing sources.

Chase holds a higher rank than Chad Sbragia, who previously attended this forum. This may indicate deepening US engagement with China, even during times of tension.

Representatives from over 90 countries and international organizations are expected to attend the forum in Beijing.

It is worth noting that military contacts between the US and China were suspended for some Time due to the controversial visit of the American Speaker of the House of Representatives to Taiwan. However, Chase's position suggests gradual resumption of cooperation.

Issues regarding the deployment of American troops in the Asia region and the sale of arms to Taiwan remain relevant in US-China relations. Both sides continue to use dialogue to manage these issues.

Source: ZN.UA

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