Starlink for Ukraine: Poland Reveals the Amount of Funding for Terminals.

Poland funds Starlink terminals in Ukraine
Poland funds Starlink terminals in Ukraine

Poland is Delivering Nearly 25,000 Starlink Terminals to Ukraine

According to the Polish Ministry of Digitalization, the Warsaw government has ordered nearly 25,000 Starlink satellite communication terminals for Ukraine. This became possible thanks to the initiative of the Minister of Digitalization of the Republic of Poland. From 2022 to 2023, 19,560 terminals were loaned, and by the end of 2024, an additional 5,000 terminals were purchased, which are now being transferred to Ukraine.

The cost of the standard subscription for servicing one Starlink terminal is about 5,500 UAH per month (528.90 gross PLN). Additionally, there is a special subscription that costs about 14,000 UAH per month (1,383.75 gross PLN).

According to the law 'On Assistance to Citizens of Ukraine in connection with Armed Conflict on the Territory of this State', Poland will pay for the subscriptions of Starlink terminals for Ukraine until September 30, 2022.

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