Evgeny Golovakha

Evgeny Golovakha

Biography of Yevgeni Ivanovich Golovakha

Date of Birth: 13.08.1950

Yevgeni Ivanovich Golovakha, Head of the Department of History, Theory and Methodology of Sociology, Deputy Director of the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Editor-in-Chief of the academic journal 'Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing'.

Place of Birth. Education. He was born in Kyiv in a family of Ukrainian Soviet philosophers. He graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University (1967-1972) and the postgraduate course at the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1973-1976). In 1976, he defended his candidate dissertation (Topic - 'Structure of Group Activity. Social Psychological Analysis') and in 1990 his doctoral thesis (Topic - 'Life Perspective and Vocational Self-determination of Youth').

He is a Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Sociology (1990), Professor (2007).

Career. From 1972 to 1991, he was Senior Laboratory, Aspirant, Junior Researcher, Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher, Head of the Sector for Democracy Mechanisms in the Social Management Department of the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Since 1991, he was the Head of the Sector for Sociological Conflictology, Head of the Department of Social Psychology, Deputy Director for Scientific Work, and since 1996, a Leading Researcher at the Department of Sociological Processes at the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences. He was a lecturer at the Kyiv Institute of Theater Arts.

Since January 1988 - Deputy Director of the Institute for Science. Editor-in-Chief of the journal 'Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing'.

Since 2002 - Head of the Department of Social Political Processes at the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences.

In various years he has been a member of the Committee on Political Socialization and Political Education of the International Association of Political Science, the European Association for Experimental Social Psychology, the American Association for Personality and Social Psychology Research.

Beliefs have been published in scientific journals in Russia, the USA, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary.

Author of numerous articles and interviews in mass media and popular science publications, one of the leading domestic sociologists, actively participates in expert discussions in leading media.

For many years he has been a member of the Public Council for Expert Issues on Domestic Politics, the Commission for the Support of Democratization and the Development of Civil Society under the President of Ukraine.

Area of Scientific Interests: Theory and Methodology of Sociology, Sociology of Politics and Social Transformations, Sociology of Personality, Social Psychology.
