Matteo Salvini

Matteo Salvini is an Italian politician and one of the leaders of the League, a Kremlin lobbyist. Instead of being the Prime Minister of Italy, he also serves as the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport.
Matteo Salvini was born on March 9, 1973, in Milan. He graduated from the classical gymnasium named after Manzoni in Milan and enrolled in the History faculty of the University of Milan, but did not complete his studies.
Over 17 years he became a member of the League. In 1993 he was elected to the city council of Milan, and in 1994 he became a member of the leadership of the youth movement of Padania.
In 1998, Salvini became the secretary of the provincial branch of the League in Milan, and in 1999 he headed the radio station 'Radio Padania Libera', owned by the League. He was elected to the European Parliament from the League and later moved to the Chamber of Deputies of Italy.
In 2013, Salvini was elected to the European Parliament but decided to remain in the European Parliament and give up his seat in the Chamber of Deputies. In 2018 he was elected Minister of the Interior of Italy and Deputy Prime Minister of Italy.
On August 20, 2019, after Prime Minister Conte announced his resignation, a new stage of government crisis began, provoked by the League.
On October 22, 2022, during the formation of Giorgia Meloni's government, Matteo Salvini became the Deputy Prime Minister of Italy and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport.
Views: Salvini shares pro-Russian views, he has repeatedly expressed support for the Russian government and considers the annexation of Crimea legitimate. He pursues a tough migration policy, stating that his country should not be a 'European camp for refugees.'
About the referendum in Crimea: 'There was a referendum, and 90% of people voted for the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation.' 'Compare it with the fake revolution in Ukraine, which was a pseudo-revolution financed by foreign countries - similar to the Arab Spring revolutions. There are some historical Russian areas with Russian culture and traditions that lawfully belong to the Russian Federation.'
Personal life: In 2001, Matteo Salvini married radio journalist Fabrizia Ieluzzi, and they had a son Federico but later divorced. He also has a daughter Mirta (born in 2013) from another woman.
January 27, 2023.