Fog, black ice, rain and wet snow: weather forecast for December 19.

Fog, black ice, rain and wet snow: weather forecast for December 19
Fog, black ice, rain and wet snow: weather forecast for December 19

Weather forecast for most regions of Ukraine

Today, December 19, cloudy weather with some clearings is expected in most regions of Ukraine. No precipitation is anticipated. However, in the northeastern part of the country, light wet snow and rain are possible in places. In the southern part and in the Carpathians, fog is possible at night and in the morning. In the northeast, some sections of the roads may have black ice. The wind will be southwest and south at a speed of 5-10 m/s. The air temperature at night will range from 3° C to -2° C, while during the day it is expected to be 2-7° C. In the western, most southern regions and in Crimea, temperatures will rise to 6-11° C. In the eastern part of the country, at night, the thermometer will drop to -1 to -6° C, while during the day it is expected to be around 0° C.

Weather forecast for Kyiv region

In the Kyiv region, cloudy weather with some clearings is also expected, but without precipitation. The wind will be southwest at a speed of 5-10 m/s. The air temperature at night will range from -2° C to +3° C, while during the day it is expected to be 4-7° C. In Kyiv, at night the thermometer will show around 0° C, and during the day it will rise to 5-7° C.

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