In some regions, rain is expected: weather forecast for February 28.

Weather forecast for February 28
Weather forecast for February 28

Weather forecast for February 28

Today, rain and wet snow are expected in the western regions. At night, the frost will ease to thaw. In the rest of the territory, the weather will be dry, reports 'Glavcom' citing 'Ukrhydrometcentre'.

In the western regions, as well as in Zhytomyr and Vinnytsia regions, it will be cloudy with rain and occasional snow during the day. The temperature at night will fluctuate from -2 °C to +3 °C, while during the day it will rise to +3-8 °C.

In the rest of the territory, there will be variable cloudiness without precipitation. At night, temperatures are expected to be -2 to -7 °C, while during the day - +1 to +6 °C. In the eastern regions, namely Sumy, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, and Zaporizhzhia, the temperature at night will range from -9 to -14 °C, and during the day from -4 °C to +1 °C. Additionally, in the northeast and east of the country, there may be icy conditions on the roads.

The wind in most regions of Ukraine will be south or southeast at a speed of 5-10 m/s.

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